Michael Haggard Speaks at National Crime Victims Bar Association Conference
New Orleans, LA - (September 14, 2010) - Partner Michael Haggard was a featured speaker at the 2010 National Crime Victims Bar Association Conference. His presentation focused on investigations with the topic "Behind the Scenes - Investigating Premises Liability Cases."
This interactive and highly demonstrative presentation showed all that goes into thoroughly investigating a premises liability case. From the moment a case is signed the clock is ticking to find all the information necessary to prove negligence. From the initial incident photos to speaking with witnesses and tenants, there are many aspects of investigation that are critical to a premises liability case. Participants were given a first hand account of an investigation through real-life cases as presented by Michael Haggard. Haggard has presented at this conference for the past three years in a row and is also a member of the organization's board of directors.