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Two Partners from The Haggard Law Firm Named to List of The Best Lawyers in America

Wm. Andrew “Andy” Haggard and Michael A. Haggard, partners of The Haggard Law Firm, were recently named to the 2007 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Best Lawyers in America has come to be regarded, by both the legal profession and the public, as the definitive guide for legal excellence in the United States. Best Lawyers in America is based on a peer-review survey in which 13,000 leading attorneys throughout the country cast more than half a million “votes” on the legal abilities of other lawyers in their specialties. Inclusion in Best Lawyers is considered by those on the legal profession to be of the utmost honorable achievements.

Andy Haggard is a veteran personal injury attorney who has been practicing law for more than 35 years, has been named to this prestigious list for the past twenty-one years. This is the third time in a row Michael Haggard, 37, has been listed.

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